Back in January when this series started, Shaun Layton– our very first participant- called out Cooper Tardivel of Hawksworth. Layton tasked Cooper with incorporating Midori- a sickly sweet melon liqueur- into a new cocktail.
Here we are nearing April and we were finally able to connect with Tardivel and see what he came up with.
The Bartender: Cooper Tardivel
The Ingredient: Midori
The Cocktail: East Egg Silver
1oz Midori
½ oz Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge
½ oz Booker’s Bourbon
1 Barspoon Scrappy’s Aromatic Bitters
½ oz fresh lime juice
½ oz fresh lemon juice
egg white
Dry shake all ingredients then shake over ice. Strain into a glass. Garnish with a lime twist and orange zest.
Cooper found the cloyingly sweet quality of the Midori the most challenge part of working with the product. Despite this, he concocted a light and balanced cocktail that still managed to highlight the challenge ingredient.