Last week we featured the sixth instalment of our Bottom Of The Barrel Series- a collaborative effort between Two For The Bar and Joann Pai of Acorn Mag in which we challenge craft bartenders to use not-so-craft ingredients to create a new cocktail.
Last time we saw Cooper Tardivel of Hawkesworth take Midori to task with The East Egg Silver Cocktail. Cooper then called out Donnelly Group Bar and Beverage Director Trevor Kallies and threw down some strawberry delight with Baja Rosa.
The Bartender: Trevor Kallies
The Ingredient: Baja Rosa
The Cocktail: You Handsome Devil You
1oz Baja Rosa
1oz Hornitos Black Barrel tequila
2oz Jj bean east side blend cold brew coffee
3 dash Scrappy’s Chocolate bitters
Shake all ingredients over ice and strain into coupe. Garnish with a touch of fresh grated chocolate on top.
Kallies did not shy away from his challenge ingredient, incorporating a full ounce into the final cocktail. Despite this, the finished product was far less sweet than I expected. The cold brew brought in some bitter notes which helped with balance.